Welcome to Articanus' Game Corner! Basically, here you get to see your everyday professional gamer(me) talk about random game stuff. I might throw in some details about stuff that happened IRL if it's awesome enough, but generally you won't see a lot of that. Ignoring the incredibly cliche name of the blog, let's go with an introduction of your host: me!
I'm Articanus: on smashboards.com, you'll see me posting around with the account 'ss118', which doesn't really mean anything. It's just pronounced "Double-S one-eighteen", like how you say "Double-0 Seven" for James Bond. Randomly made it when I was a LOT younger. Years later I came up with Articanus(ss118 was taken on AIM). Again, no idea what the name means but I promise you I've heard every butt-joke you can think of that involves cold stuff. If you don't get it.... I truly am sorry.
What do I play: primarily Super Smash Brothers and Pokemon. I play a lot more games to the side such as Blazblue: Continuum Shift, the Megaman Battle Network Series.... a LOT. I also played the Digimon World series, Resident Evil, Silent Hill.... well, my girlfriends more into the last one but I do what I can. ^^'
Otherwise I am a southerner: I enjoy both my grits and sweet tea. I've had my previously mentioned girlfriend for two years from July 31st, so I guess I'm doing pretty well. About to enter my first year of college. Looking for a job... but then again who isn't nowadays? If you aren't shut up.
I guess that's it. The idea of this won't be for me to be all super-serious about anything really, but more of a free area to vent my crazy ideas for any kind of game. In fact I'm sure my entire blog will go mostly unnoticed by the large population of the world that surfs the web.... either way, for you few readers, I hope you enjoy what has yet to come
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